I have seen and heard where the blog I posted the other night has stirred up a lot of praise as well as shit. Let me show you my sign that says I don't give a f*ck if my opinion pisses you off. That's what I get paid (?) to do. People who know this business, live this business, breathe this damn business and ARE this f*cking business agree with everything I said. They know why we do what we do for this business. They know WHO this business is meant for! For every ham & egger, every window-licking short bus rider, for every blue collar 9 to 5er who busts his ass in the fields, the factories and highways and byways of this great nation just so every Saturday night he can plop down his five, six, eight or ten buck (price might be higher in Alaska or Hawaii) just so he can lose himself in the lunacy that is PRO WRESTLING! And if he is denied that fun, he will go to where he can get it.
Wrestlers are the same way. There is a reason we do this and when we are denied, we get upset. Yeah, if I am geared up for a show and it gets canceled, you know damn well I'm gonna get pissed. It a canceled show doesn't piss me off, it means I don't give a sh*t if I work or not and if I don't give a sh*t if i work or not then I DON'T BELONG HERE!!! Every time one of our shows were canceled, yeah, I was pissed. Wrestling and THE SHOW is in my blood!
Okay, enough of that. A matter was brought to my attention about a particular "fan page" from a former employer of mine. On their page, they had an article about my retirement and coming back to the business. Believe me, I was ready to walk away, but as any true worker will tell you, YOU CANNOT WALK AWAY FROM THE BUSINESS!!! But the person who wrote this piece of garbage only wrote what he wanted the story to be and not the f*cking truth. I posted on the main page my reasons for leaving that promotion (and why I needed the time off). But they decided to write it their way, which was wrong. They made it sound as if I had lost confidence in my abilities and my age when in truth I NEVER doubted myself, THEY DID! They say I left because another promoter purchased the promotion. I decided to leave long before THAT announcement, it was the new ownership angle from last year I did not agree with. And that fell apart every way it could. Yes, I am battling some personal demons and there are some health issues I need to take care of if I want to return to the ring like I want to. They said I felt i wasn't up to a "bigger" schedule and greater exposure. Right now, two show a month would be a bigger schedule for them. Hell, its May and they have only ran two shows all f*cking year. Exposure? In my prime, yeah I hear the snickers, I wrestled in front of 300-500 people on a regular basis. The NGA in Ashland,KY will always be my favorite building. And the text I received at 5am today telling me I was reading too much into it. F*CK YOU! You only highlighted what YOU wanted to see and that was not the truth! If you are not gonna tell the truth, don't print anything.
And I'm done for the night. I am who I am and I don't really care who you are! Oh, three words.....LIVE WITH IT!!!!!
5/11/2011 12:02:47 pm

Like anybody really cares what THE BOSS has to say anyways. And why is DWA's janitor running the fan page???? hmmm.

5/12/2011 08:43:43 am

I do not know if you are staying in character or not but I will say this once in defense of the article. NEVER once was it indicated that you lost confidence in your own abilities. Your blog sited a lack of confidence etc. as some of the reasons for leaving:

"But I have felt for a while that there were those in the locker room who had lost confidence in my abilities as well as felt my age was a liability as well."

You did not site anyone in particular and neither did the article:

"In a rare moment of class, the usually bescumbering manager showed no ill will toward the DWA or the talent within instead sighting a loss of confidence in his abilities, age, personal demons and the recent purchase of the DWA (by Las Vegas promoter Bill Brown) as factors for this decision"

Again, JUST LIKE J.J.'S ORIGINAL BLOG there is NO ONE specifically blamed and only mentions them as FACTORS.

That's all I have to say.

5/12/2011 01:11:59 pm

You yourself listed that the purchase of the DWA by Bill Brown was a factor and IT WAS NOT! I left long before that. And you insinuate that it was me that lost confidence in myself which is BULLSHIT!

5/31/2011 10:59:46 am

I will be writing a new blog on all this stuff. They continue to post their lies about what I wrote and what they did. They simply will not admit they were WRONG!!!


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